Education and Culture

Brazil and Japan

  • de Tizuko Morchida Kishimoto
  • ed. Zeila de Brito Fabri Demartini

Education and Culture: Brazil and Japan enables to understand the trajectory of the Japanese group in Brazil throughout a hundred years, concerning the educational field, highlighting their confrontation, options, strategies, results, that is, the impressions left in the adopted Brazilian context and current problems in Japan. In order to do this the texts were elaborated bearing in mind some great themes. We tried to emphasize the importance attributed to the education by the Japanese group, in a social historical political perspective; also the cultural values that permeates the Eastern culture; the comparative dimensions between the education of the families in Brazil and in Japan; the teaching of the Japanese language; the educational issues in Japan by the Brazilian dekasseguis that have been going there since the 1980s. This book is a collective work written by researchers with a large experience in the investigation and the implications of the Japanese displacement in the field of education.

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Ficha técnica

R$ 47,00
ISBN 10: 8531413346
ISBN 13: 9788531413346
1ª edição, impressão de 2012

248 páginas
16 x 23 cm


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